What to send in your emails for the month of April

Welcome to April, everyone! I cannot believe this year has just flown by! As we transition into autumn, it is important not to neglect our email communication with our customers. 

Sending out meaningful and timely content that engages your customers (and potential customers!) is essential for business success. Whether you're an experienced entrepreneur or just starting, email campaigns are here to help you keep in touch with clients, drive up sales and build relationships with your contacts list. This blog post will provide helpful tips on what type of content to send in April's emails for the best results. So let’s dive right in!


Easter is a time when most people catch up with friends and family regardless of their religious beliefs. Here are some ideas that I have used in the past to engage customers during this period. Remember, not all emails need to be about selling.  

  • Do you have recipes that can make hosting that much easier? 
  • Do you have Easter art and craft ideas that can engage your audience? 
  • Do you sell Easter-related products you can promote leading up to the main event?
  • If you run a cafe or restaurant, do you have a special Easter menu that you can promote?

Australian School Holidays

The kids are out of school and this means that parents have to keep them occupied. 

  • Do you offer holiday activities for children? What are they? This is the perfect time to promote them.
  • Do you sell craft or science kits that children can undertake at home to pass the time? Send out an email promoting the products and their benefits.

Ride the school holidays wave and email your customers a list of budget-friendly school holiday activities for parents around Australia. 

Celebrate autumn

We are right in the middle of autumn here in Australia and it is finally turning cool. Time to dust off those jumpers and boots. Do you have any new products this month that ties in with the cool change? People LOVE new arrivals! Send an email informing your customers about the new autumn products that are now available in-store. These could be scarves, thermos, leggings, cardigans, etc. 

Earth Day - April 22

Earth Day is celebrated in over 193 countries to raise awareness about environmental issues around us. You can read more about Earth Day here

  • Do you have any eco-friendly products that you can promote from your store that help this cause? 
  • Do you plan on doing something for Earth Day? If you do, why not share this plan with your customers and maybe ask them what their plans are too?
  • We are all responsible for this world of ours. Use this as a platform and let your customers know the steps your business is taking toward a more sustainable future.   


Do you collect your customers' birthdays? Yay if you do! It's ok if you don't (start collecting them).

I generally like using an automated sequence for birthdays. But if you don't have an automated sequence, just send out an email to all the April babies. Remember to send them a birthday treat and provide an extra incentive for them to shop with you while they spoil themselves.

I hope this blog post has given you some ideas for April. Do send me an email or a DM on IG to let me know whether you have enjoyed this post.

Til next time!


Categories: : email campaigns, email marketing